Blockchange Hodling Company
BLOCKOPS Secret/Classified Metaverse HQ, United States
The official profile for the most disruptive project to ever surface on this or any other planet:
Blockchange Hodling Company (LLC)
#Blockchange is located in Lake Nona, FL (USA) currently + established as an official LLC in:
Delaware (USA)
Kentucky (USA)
About Blockchange:
Primarily Blockchange operates from a classified/top secret hidden Metaverse location that only our #DisruptiveDreamers can access.
Blockchange Hodling Company official slogan/tagline/motto/pick up line:
“Think Outside The Blocks…”
$BLOCK3D Token (Solana Blockchain Network)
BLOCK3D (The Trinity Token) is the world’s first “3D Cryptocurrency”. BLOCK3D is the most advanced, enhanced, and complex crypto token. Currently #BLOCK3D is available exclusively on the Solana $SOL blockchain network + trading only at the Web 3.0 social media platform Solcial $SLCL - Earn bonus $SLCL + $BLOCK3D by joining Solcial with this link:
Blockchange is a “3D organization/business built on blockchain’s blueprint, a SQUARE1 Start Up”, that is designed to disrupt plus create change, and breakout beyond limitations set by traditional corporations.
Blockchange is building business using a “3D” business model, strategy, and infrastructure. The “3D” business model + strategy aspects operate with a focus on: Data + Disruption + Diversification. The 3D infrastructure is a disruptive design that divides the business operations into 3 different divisions/departments each devoted to a specifi function.
The Blockchange Social Media Directory:
New Directory:
Old Directory:
STILL seeking unprofessional professionals, mad geniuses, or self believers with a desire to “Create Change” + utilize experimentation to test/redefine terms such as: disruption, innovation, creativity, “business”, etc.
Looking For Partners (Update)
I originally posted this in October. I was new to the platform at the time, and as I mentioned in the post I have been swamped in trying to do too many things at once. Since the original post I’ve made a little progress as far as launching the project goes, but I’ve made phenomenal progress...
Looking for partners
Howdy folks! Apologies for the informal approach here. I will just be super honest. I almost feel like this is just something that I have to do entirely on my own. I say this because I just feel like this is my destiny. I will sound like a whacko/hippie if I try to elaborate any further on...