R G Smith
Lancaster PA, United States
Richard Griffiths Smith Jr., Resume Doc1 1467 Atkins Avenue, Apt D, Lancaster, PA 17603 worldwideproject@yahoo.com, Cell Phone - 609-954-5040
*Developer and owner of TheSmithMatrix intellectual property.TheSmithMatrix is a revolutionary global financial pattern for pricingstandardized currency, commodity, and stock prices. Fifty supportingdocuments are under copyright protection with the US Copyright Office.
*Write-in Independent candidate for Congress in the Pennsylvania 11thDistrict in 2018. See attached short form partial personal history that wason the R G Smith for Congress web site.
Present EmploymentWingate Hotel of Lancaster, 2110 Lincoln Hwy E., Lancaster PA 17602, Manager
FINANCIAL EXECUTIVE experienced in futures trading and in innovative product development in inter-bank derivatives and financial futures.
•DIFF Futures
•Currency Futures
•USD Money Market Swaps
•Future Rate Agreements (FRAs)
•Forward Spread Agreements (FSAs)
•The sole person responsible for creating the Forward Spread Agreement (FSA) in1986.In 1989 the FSA traded as a futures contract called the DIFF on the Chicago MercantileExchange.
•Consulted the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in 1989 on the Marketing of the DIFFfutures contracts. Met personally with over 300 bank traders in Europe and theUnitedStates.
•Directed the development, marketing and inter-bank trading of the FSA in Hong Kongfor HongkongBank in 1986-87. Undertook substantial travel plus a speaking tour in theFar East and Europe.
•Single-handedly galvanized support in 1987-88-89 within the New York Bankingcommunity in support of a complex of FSA futures contracts and convinced the ChicagoMercantile Exchange to apply to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission for FSAfutures contracts in Yen, Deutsche Marks and Sterling.
•Numerous articles about the FSA/DIFF and myself appeared in the late 1980’s inpublications such as Euromoney, Asian Finance, Intermarket, Business International
Money Report, Northeast International Business, The New York Times and the London Financial Times.
• Organized from scratch and put into operation an off-balance-sheet trading desk for HongkongBank, Hong Kong in 1986-87. Five traders reported to me. The instruments traded included Eurodollar futures, Bond futures, Future Rate Agreements (FRAs), Money Market Swaps, and Forward Spread Agreements (FSAs).
• In 1985 was a member of Eurodollar desk trading team that was the first group to trade Future Rate Agreements (FRAs) in North America.
• In 1983 made a proposal to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange that was instrumental in convincing the CME to increase the back months in the Eurodollar futures contract out to three years from one year.
• Was a vocal advocate of the Eurodollar futures contract two and a half years before it began trading in December 1981. In 1979 in writing I stated, “The Eurodollar Time Deposit futures contract will supersede, in importance, all financial futures markets presently in existence. This contract will fill a widely recognized gap in the financial world that will bring a flood of business from all over the globe.”
• In 1983 wrote a manual for corporations on how to hedge their interest rate risk in the Eurodollar futures market. This piece contributed significantly to my being asked to join Marine Midland Bank.
1990 to Present
Developed a business plan and associations and contacts to form a new global futures brokerage firm and to develop a new global internet futures exchange.
1/89 to 11/89
Consultant to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on the marketing of the DIFF futures complex.
1983 to 1989
Marine Midland Bank and the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Vice President Forward Foreign Exchange (1987 – 1988).
Financial Futures Manager for Hong Kong Bank, Hong Kong (1986 – 1987) Assistant Vice President Marine Midland Eurodollar desk (1983 – 1986)
1982 to 1983
Dominick & Dominick Incorporated, New York, New York Financial Futures Specialist/Broker
Developed and marketed to corporate borrowers a method of approach for hedging variable rate debt using the Eurodollar Futures Market.
C.W. Commodities, Inc., New York, New York Financial Futures Specialist/Broker
1979 to 1980
Bear, Stearns & Co., New York, New York Financial Futures Specialist/Broker
1976 to 1979
Clayton Brokerage Co. of St. Louis, Inc.
St. Louis, Philadelphia and New York City Offices Financial Futures Broker, Securities Broker
1973 to 1975
Provident National Bank, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Retail Division
1974 and 1975 30 hours of accounting from Philadelphia Universities 1968 and 1972 Bachelor of Arts Degree, Alma College, Alma, Michigan
Kusama Ecosystem Experts
I am seeking blockchain experts with knowledge of the Kusama blockchain ecosystem. The Worldwide Futures Exchange (WFX) Project would create a currency, commodities, and stock futures market for every country in the World on one platform using a revolutionary pricing pattern protected under...