P2E Integration on the BSC (Binance Smart Chain)

Task details
Posted on Apr 27th, 2022
30 days
$4000.00 per project
One Time
Skills Required
  • Back-end Development
  • Emerging Tech
  • Game Development
  • Crypto Development
  • Blockchain Development
  • Smart Contract Development
  • Solidity Development
  • Software Dev, Data & Web - Other

Basic understanding of the P2E we wish to implement.

The P2E “Frontend” is implemented in a way already, as to collecting seeds in-game and being able to purchase stuff in the store with the seeds. What we want is to add 1000 Vallhund Tokens for sale in the shop aswell. Once the buyer buys the 1000 Vallhund tokens, the seeds should disappear, but we need to have it automatically distributed tokens to the buyers address. So once the buyer has purchased they must receive it to their chosen wallet (Uncertainty on how we implement this)

The second thing in the P2E system would be the ranking system, a player could choose to receive the hi-score/ranking price in Vallhund tokens or choose to Donate it for us to plant trees. Once we see that there has been a donation towards trees, we should be able to see the senders email and should be able to send them a Certificate manually.

As far as we know, we are uncertain if it’s possible to add a tab of sort in-game so that a player could connect directly to metamask or trustwallet and being able to receive the rewards/tokens whatever directly from there. Hopefully you could provide us with some examples of ways we could move forward with it.

Basically, play the game, receive vallhundtokens in one way or another!

What we expect:

- Functional P2E system, where player can buy VHIN Tokens.
- Functional Donation system, where player can donate towards tree planting.
- Fully Automatic P2E system, meaning nothing runs manually.

What we wish for:

- Automatic donation system, where a player could receive a certificate automatically.
- Price calculator for when the player buys tokens, meaning the price would change from whatever the price of the VHIN tokens would be at the current moment.

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