Web3 Developer/Community Manager/Designer/Analyst

Task details
Posted on Jul 29th, 2023
Accepting applications
5 days
$160000.00 per year
Full Time
Skills Required
  • 2D Animation
  • 3D Animation
  • Architecture
  • Game Development
  • Web Development
  • Web Design
  • Smart Contract Development
  • IT & Networking - Other

As ECO TECH LAND, a cutting-edge web3 project with a metaverse component, we are on the lookout for talented individuals to join our team and shape the future of the virtual world. Our project aims to create a sustainable and environmentally conscious metaverse that combines blockchain technology, virtual reality, and interconnected ecosystems.

Our current hiring needs include the following roles:

Blockchain Developers: We need experienced blockchain developers who can design, implement, and optimize the underlying blockchain infrastructure that powers our metaverse. Proficiency in smart contract development, decentralized applications (DApps), and knowledge of various blockchain platforms (Ethereum, Polkadot, etc.) are essential.

Virtual Reality (VR) Engineers: VR engineers play a crucial role in crafting immersive and interactive experiences within our metaverse. They should have expertise in VR development tools and platforms, as well as the ability to optimize performance and create engaging user experiences.

3D Artists and Animators: Our metaverse demands visually stunning environments and lifelike characters. We are seeking skilled 3D artists and animators who can create captivating landscapes, architecture, creatures, and avatars that breathe life into our virtual world.

Game Developers: As a web3 project with gamification elements, game developers will be responsible for integrating gameplay mechanics, challenges, and rewards into the metaverse. Proficiency in game engines like Unity or Unreal Engine and an understanding of gamification principles are necessary.

Environmental and Sustainability Experts: ECO TECH LAND aims to be a model of sustainability within the virtual realm. We need professionals with a background in environmental science, sustainable development, or related fields to guide and implement eco-friendly practices and policies throughout the metaverse.

Community Managers: Community managers will be responsible for engaging with our users, fostering a vibrant community, and addressing user feedback. Excellent communication skills and a passion for building a positive community are crucial for this role.

Marketing and Growth Specialists: To drive adoption and awareness of ECO TECH LAND, we require marketing experts who understand web3 trends and can develop creative campaigns to attract users and investors to our metaverse.

UX/UI Designers: UX/UI designers will ensure that our metaverse is intuitive, user-friendly, and aesthetically appealing. They will collaborate closely with developers and artists to create a seamless user experience.

If you are passionate about shaping the future of the metaverse, with a focus on sustainability and innovative technology, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Please reach out to us with your qualifications, portfolio, and a brief description of how you can contribute to ECO TECH LAND. Together, let's create a thriving, interconnected, and eco-conscious virtual world!

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