Satoshis Games

Satoshis Games

Madrid, Spain

We are creating universal economies driven by player ownership. We believe that true ownership of digital assets, verifiable scarcity, and integrated secondary markets are the future of games.

Three.js 3D website

prije 3 godine

We need a 3D website to showcase our game based on Monsters & Weapons. We can provide 3D models, but we would require you to design & optimize 75% of the models. We want to have a similar 3D immersive experience as [] with the same amount of sections but...

We need some cutscenes for our game project. Short videos from 15-20 seconds introducing our monsters, weapons, challenging themselves, shooting, and more... We would need the animations, level dressing, set up scenes, etc... For reference, we provide:  * 3D models * Map level * Some other...