Various Developer, Marketing and Admin Positions

Detalji posla
Objavljeno na Apr 15th, 2021
Apliciranje omogućeno
Mogućnost pregovora
(Mogućnost pregovora)
Djelomično radno vrijeme
Potrebne vještine
  • Računovodstvo
  • Upravljanje Projektima
  • 2D Animacija
  • 3D Animacija
  • Poslovni Razvoj
  • Community Management
  • Istraživanje Tržišta
  • Back-end Razvoj
  • Front-end Razvoj
  • UX/UI Dizajn
  • Web Dizajn
  • Crypto Razvoj

Various Internships & Cofounder Positions (


Social Media Marketing


Business Development

Community Management





Frontend/Backend Developer


System Architect


Start-up Company Description - Impresso Labs is a very small start-up developing a new platform based on blockchain technology at the EPFL Innovation Park.

IMPRESSO helps recruiters shortlist candidates faster by verifying their career information. IMPRESSO launched last Christmas for Android (Latest version) is a personalised branding app for recruitment and professional networking. There is also a BETA version for iOS today.

The APP is useful for:

Finding a new career while collaborating to improve your profile and CV.

Professional networking for individuals and companies.

HR branding and marketing to hire the right candidates.

If you fit the description below, it is mandatory to please send us (if not there will be no review of your application):

1). Your latest resume/CV

2). Why do you wish to join a start-up like Impresso Labs and if you are into blockchain technology, why? (Keep it short, simple and not more than 50 words)

Email to:



Challenging and interesting working environment.

Be part of an innovative start-up with ambitions to be a global player.

Training and exposure to start-up environments and tools.

Be part of the product development and launch the first App of its kind.

Based on your field of study or interest, an opportunity to connect to global companies from different geographical regions.

Be part of the team that will truly help the global community bring new ideas to life in both developed and developing nations.



You are hardworking. "Do What You Say, Say What You Do". A start up is a very serious business.

You can work independently without much hand holding.

You are passionate about bringing innovation into the world and by enabling others to develop their ideas, bringing value to our planet.

You want practical work experiences in a start-up business environment.

You aspire to be an entrepreneur and have your own company one day.

You want to be part of something new, that has never been done before.

You can speak English (A2 level and above).


Note: All positions are without salary until after the company's incorporation with an investor later this year. What we currently offer as a new startup is the experience of learning about starting your own company one day and how to work together in an international base team environment. Fundraising and all the rest of the Dos and Don'ts of being an entrepreneur. If you qualify as a cofounder you are able to receive revenue sharing credits from our App sales.

Mention you are applying via CryptoTask
About the company:
Download the App on the Google Play Store to understand more. There is also a BETA version on iOS with limited functionalities. 

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