Katarina Vasilj
Student of dental medicine from Vinkovci, Croatia

I am currently studying dental medicine at the Split Faculty of Medicine, where my focus is on acquiring knowledge in the fields of dentistry, oral surgery, endodontics and other relevant...

  • Online Research
  • Medical Translation
  • Translation
  • Business Writing
  • Content Writing
  • Copywriting
  • Creative Writing
  • Essay Writing

I am currently studying dental medicine at the Split Faculty of Medicine, where my focus is on acquiring knowledge in the fields of dentistry, oral surgery, endodontics and other relevant disciplines. I actively participate in lectures, practical exercises and research projects. During my studies, I participated in volunteer programs in healthcare institutions, where I had the opportunity to work with patients and apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice. I also participated in professional seminars and workshops to expand my skills and knowledge.


Trenutno pohađam studij dentalne medicine na Medicinskom fakultetu Split, gdje je moj fokus usmjeren na stjecanje znanja iz područja stomatologije, oralne kirurgije, endodoncije i ostalih relevantnih disciplina. Aktivno sudjelujem u predavanjima, praktičnim vježbama i istraživačkim projektima. Tijekom studija sudjelovanjem u volonterskim programima u zdravstvenim ustanovama, gdje sam imala priliku raditi s pacijentima i primjenjivati stečena teorijska znanja u praksi. Također sam sudjelovala u stručnim seminarima i radionicama kako bi proširila svoje vještine i znanja.